Android Simplicity

How-To #36: Reduce Internal Memory Usage For Android

 You probably heard this sales pitch before, "With only $___<=(insert price here) you can upgrade your Android tablet and/or phone to the larger ____<=(insert 32 or 64 here) GB of flash storage." :).
Whoa, hang on a moment. Lets take a look at the alternative memory solutions before making that purchase.
Here are 4 methods you can use to reduce internal memory usage on the Android without sacraficing quality or quantity

1. Move everyday files to the cloud - Online storage is free and plentiful. Find a good online storage like Dropbox or then use their android apps to upload and download files. Dropbox lets you have 2GB for free at no cost, which you can expand by referral. Don't know other people? Just make 10 email addresses and refer them to each other. On, you get 5GB's for free just for signing up. Using the combination of these, you can easily accumulate over 10GBs to store wallpapers, pictures, videos, and any other files. The app and the website lets you access the files anytime and anywhere.

2. Move music to the cloud There is service called Music Beta by Google. This lets the users to upload their music library to a personal online storage. The user can then stream and download files from Internet connected devices using the website or the app.
3. Move documents to the cloud - For those of you who use the Android for school or work, gigs of powerpoints, excel sheets, and word documents are probably taking a lot of space on your device. Personally, I have no documents on my Android tablet, as they are stored on Google Docs and because I refuse to pay $15 for an Office app. Additionally, the document can be shared to other users for editing. 

4. Move apps to the sdcard/flash drive - If your Android device lacks an sdcard slot, just plug in the usb flash drive into the usb slot for extra storage. Apps2SD lets root users install apps into an external storage.

So do you really need that upgrade? If you have a data plan then maybe not as the methods above should give you more than enough usable space.


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