Android Simplicity

Get Your Google Music Invitation

*Update 11/15* Invites are all gone. 

By now you probably have heard alot about the "cloud". Well, now Google has started to hop on the Cloud Computing scene with Google Music, a service that allows you to put your music collection online under a Google Account. This service can then be accessed anywhere and anytime using their webpage. They also have a convenient app for Android Phones and Android Tablets
How it works is that you register for a Google Account, download their software, and upload your whole music collection, which can be accessed anywhere with internet access.  Think of it like iTunes but on the web. What this means is that you don't have to waste storage space on your PC or Android devices, and with over 20,000 songs cap limit, you will never run out of space. 

Currently, an invitation is needed to join Google Music as it is still in beta. 

If you are interested just post a comment with your email or email me and I will give you an invitation. 

I have well over 30 invites. I will update this post when I run out. 

Note that Google music is currently only available to US residents only, so for those of you out of the state, you would have to use VPN to register, or get someone with a US IP to do it for you.


Byron76 said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates
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MrVestek said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

I would love an invite! mrvestek AT gma!l DOT com. Thanks! :-)

P.S. said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

that sounds swimming! patrickdsmith at the googly.

Shallora said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

i would love one! Thanks!

P.S. said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

by googly I mean, btw. duh :)

Seriously, invite would be appreciated.


Tony Le said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Sent to all those that left contact.

Darren said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Can i get one please snerrad AT gmail

Anonymous said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

An invitation would be great: markus.huggler AT this google mail stuff. Thanks a lot!

Mmeyers said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Love an invite!

Byron76 said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates
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Luke said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Please could anyone send me an invite? Thx!

Josue Aristy said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

I'd like one

aruwen said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

id love one as well, cheers

Bugaloo921 said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Would love one, please! Noellegiannuzzi at gmail dot com

Byron76 said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Thank you for the invitation... As I m in France, the VPN is only needed for registration Or for everyday use too?

Tony Le said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

I am not sure but i think you would only need the VPN for registration.

Marc Lester Tan said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

i'd like to get one as well mailtan AT thanks!

aruwen said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

didnt get one the first time - would be greatly appreciated if there is still a key left - nightwolve at gmail dot com

Robert Situm said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Would love to try it.

Scott Lee said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates
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Dave crowley lll said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates music invite please!

Nick Aumer said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Oh please send me an invgite im dying to try this

MangaOne said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Please,please, please...PLLEEAASSEEEE!
I need an invite, an invite, an invite is all I need... ;)

Tony Le said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Sent, still got more :)

PTT said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Oh please send me an invgite im dying to try this

Anonymous said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Yes please to google music invite thanks

James Matthew Roden said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates
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Magico Martinez said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Could you please send me an invite:


Cariduro24 said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

One please...

Anonymous said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Do you still have one for me?

stevehuang83 AT gmail DOT com

bree said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

BREELUVSSCOTT25@GMAIL...PLEASE SEND ME ONE TOO IF U STILL HAVE N E THANKS A LOT ..............have major issues getting my post posted... crazy....LOL...BREE

podhead said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

I would love to grab one if there are still any available. sttourmanager AT gmail DOT com. Thanks!

erin said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Ejseraly /at /gmail. Plz

steean said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Hi. It'd be swell if you could share an invite with me!
stian 'dot' nilssen 'at' gmail 'dot' com


Miranda and Andrew said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

I would be delighted to receive an invitation if the offer is still open. Thanks!

Kevin said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

I'd love an invite if you still have one. kwmunn /at/ gmail. Thanks!

Jimmy said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

I would like one (if you still have any available) jimmyfulp AT Thanks!

KYee said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

I'd love an invite if you have any left.

jose sotelo said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

please an invite

Floggerrushmd said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

please send an invite to

u2depot said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Please send one my way. .. U2depot at gmail dot com

dave85 said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

please also for me! david.schuermann ^^at^^

Unknown said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Please send me an invite to

Tobbe said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

If you still have any invites left I'd really like one. send it to torbjorn.schon^^at^^

bloco-c said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates
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Anonymous said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

I need one bady

micheleinohio said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

If you have any left send one my (name I posted with)


Bill Kruckenberger said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

Thanks for the info!
I'd love an invite if you still have one...

Gentra said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

please invite me,,


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