Now that you have downloaded legally obtained that folder with 500 apks file of different applications, it is time to learn how to install all the apks at the same time, since it would take forever to manually install each and every app. The process begins with you knowning how to work adb shell for your android. When you are able to adb, follow these steps.
Mass Installing Apps Steps:1) After you get an adb shell connection in the command prompt navigate to the folder containing your APKs/Apps.
2) Type in this code to install on phone:for %f in (*.apk) do adb install "%f"
OR2) Type in this code if you have app2sd and want app on SDcard:adb push "folder of apps" /system/sd/app
If you don't want to install on sdcard :adb push folder of apps /data/app
Mass Installing Apps Steps:
1) After you get an adb shell connection in the command prompt navigate to the folder containing your APKs/Apps.
2) Type in this code to install on phone:
for %f in (*.apk) do adb install "%f"
2) Type in this code if you have app2sd and want app on SDcard:
adb push "folder of apps" /system/sd/app
If you don't want to install on sdcard :
adb push folder of apps /data/app
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