Android Simplicity

How-To #22: Install Android On Windows, Mac, or Linux

With so many Android updates, it's sometimes useful to get a preemptive look on what the update has to offer before deciding if the Android update is right for you. With emulators running the Android, you will be to test out ANY version of the Android, from the old Cupcake(1.5) and Donut(1.6) to the newer Froyo(2.2) and Gingerbread(2.3) / Honeycomb(3.0). 

The emulators are esstentially running full functioning Android systems, with the option to install external peripherals. The updates are typically released on the Android emulators before reaching the public as custom roms for each devices. 

Here I will go through the simple steps of installing Android for Windows/Mac/Linux.
1) Install the SDK from Google using the table. 
Note: I will use the and also recommend the .zip package is downloaded so that you will know where the folder and files will be.
2) Extract the zip file. 
Note: I used 7-Zip, a free program, to extract the zip file to the main C: drive. 

3) Open Command Prompt in windows by: typing cmd in Run OR navigate to C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe to open the program.

4) Inside Command Prompt navigate to the extracted SDK folder and go inside the Tools sub-directory.
Note: i.e. type in C:\android-sdk-windows\tools if you extracted the zip to C:

5) Once you are in the tools folder, type in android inside Command Prompt. This should bring up the  Android SDK and AVD Manager.

6) Under Available Packages in the manager, select the arrow next to Android Repository and check the Android version you want. I checked the SDK Platform Android 3.0 rev1.

7) Press the Install Selected button and follow the prompts.

8) After the prompt to restart the manager and the program has reopened, select Virtual Devices.

9) There are a few settings that need to be made:
- Type a Name.
- Under Target select the repository that was just installed. 
- Type in the SD card size
- Under value, type in Device Ram Size. The higher the better(2047 is max), since the emulator will be SLOW if left as default.
- Check Enabled for Snapshot. 

10) Press Create AVD then Start to complete. 
Note: It may take up a while to load, be patient. Mine took about 3-5mins.  

*Optional* 11) Speed up the emulator by typing the below in the Tools folder in Command Prompt, with the AVD name replaced in quotes.
emulator -cpu-delay 0 -no-boot-anim -cache ./cache -avd "avd_name"

Screenshot of the emulator running Android 3.1 in Windows 7


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