Android Simplicity

How-To #30: Connect Xbox360 Wireless Controller to Android Devices

You've probably read the article on how to connect the PS3 and Wii controller to your Android. Now it's time to learn how connect the Xbox 360 controller. 

Unlike the Wii, the Xbox 360 does not use blue-tooth connectivity. To use the wireless 360 controller, you will need an additional wireless receiver connected to the USB port. The USB host on the Honeycomb 3.0+ then does the rest of the work. No root is needed in this process. 

What you will need:
2. An Android Emulator
3. micro USB to USB Female Cable or some other USB port adapter specific for your Android device. 
4. Honeycomb 3.0+ or above.

1. Turn on the Xbox 360 controller and plug in the Xbox 360 wireless receiver into the usb port of your Android device using an adapter.
2. Sync the Xbox 360 controller and the wireless receiver
3. Install the Emulator. Either search on the market or download from this link
4. Open the emulator and "map" the keys. Here is how to map the keys for the NESOID
Note*** If you cannot sync your xbox controller to the dongle, then your firmware on your Android device must not have the driver. See the debugging below to manually install the driver.
  • Hit the settings menu / Input Settings / Key mappings.
  • Optional:  You may also need to go to nesoid/settings/Other Setings and enable “Use input method”.
  • OptionalIf you still cant push any buttons, go to Map your keys and make sure on phone/tablet settings/input that your CURRENT input device is set to IME.

Debugging non working devices
When you plug in your Xbox dongle into a USB host capable Android device(OS 3.0+) and it doesnt work, your firmware must not have the xbox controller module installed. You require the xpad.ko file on your system. You have to find xpad.ko file built specifically for your kernel/processor. Time to brush up your googling skills. I do not recommend using this file built from other kernel/processors. For the example below, I have attached the xpad.ko for RK30xx series and xpad.ko for Samsung S3

Installing xpad.ko will have the controller buttons be emulated like a keyboard and mouse. The lights on the controller will continue to blink.

Terminal Emulator

1) Copy the xpad.ko that is built for your device's processor into the system\lib\modules by using ESFileExplorer(go into settings and enable navigation to root folders) or some other method.
2) Install and open Terminal Emulator app
3) type "su" in terminal Emulator to get administrative powers. you will see a # next to your cmd line.
4) navigate to system\lib\modules
type in Terminal Emulator:
cd system
cd lib
cd modules
5) type in "insmod xpad.ko"
Note* You have to do the above(1-5) process everytime you reboot to use the controller.
Optional: You may need to copy over the keychar and keylayout after driver install if they do not exist. 1) Download and place the keychar file into system/usr/keychar.2) Download and place the keylayout file into system/usr/keylayout. 3) Make sure both of these files are readable by User/Other/Group by using the below cmd lines in Terminal Emulator or using ESFileExplorer(long click the file and go into properties) 
  • chmod 644 Vendor_045e_Product_0291.kl
  • chmod 644 Vendor_045e_Product_0719.kl


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