Android Simplicity

How-To #5: How to Register/Activate Android Phone Without Data Plan

If you did not purchase a data plan along with your Android phone, it is possible to activate your device through the WiFi. For Google, activating means connecting the Android Phone to a Google Account. This is not an issue for newer Android versions as you can turn on Wifi during the setup process and/or skip the activation process until WiFi is accessible. However, for older Android versions, activation is required before accessing the phone. 

Most modded roms does not require activation before using the phone. Installing modded roms requires root.

Steps To Manually turn on WiFi For Older Android Versions:
2) On the Phone keyboard type - telnetd
3) On the Phone keyboard type - setprop persist.service.adb.enable 1
4) Open cmd and naviate to sdk tools(or platform-tools for newer versions) folder
5) In cmd type - adb shell
  • Optional Step*** If you do not have a sim card; disable the notification by - in cmd type -> sqlite3 /data/data/ "INSERT INTO system (name, value) VALUES ('device_provisioned', 1);"
6) In cmd type - am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n
7) A screen on your phone should open up that allows the device to connect to a WiFi.


Florevil said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates


Now that i have finally activated my G1 by 3G (from a friend that lives far away) If i update My g1 to 1.5 firmware what will happen ? i have firmware 1.0 ........... Will i need to activate it again ???

Anonymous said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

No. Activation is needed only if you wipe the phone.

florevil said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

are you sure ?
cuz i really don't want to have trouble with that...

Florevil said... Best Blogger TipsBest Blogger Templates

ok updated sucess :)

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